Sunday, August 13, 2017

Download The Chronicles of Egg Series by Geoff Rodkey epub

Deadweather and Sunrise (The Chronicles of Egg, #1)

From Goodreads:

A stunning middle-grade debut—full of heart, humor, and nonstop action.

It’s tough to be thirteen, especially when somebody’s trying to kill you.

Not that Egg’s life was ever easy, growing up on sweaty, pirate-infested Deadweather Island with no company except an incompetent tutor and a pair of unusually violent siblings who hate his guts.

But when Egg’s father hustles their family off on a mysterious errand to fabulously wealthy Sunrise Island, then disappears with the siblings in a freak accident, Egg finds himself a long-term guest at the mansion of the glamorous Pembroke family and their beautiful, sharp-tongued daughter Millicent. Finally, life seems perfect.

Until someone tries to throw him off a cliff.

Suddenly, Egg’s running for his life in a bewildering world of cutthroat pirates, villainous businessmen, and strange Native legends. The only people who can help him sort out the mystery of why he’s been marked for death are Millicent and a one-handed, possibly deranged cabin boy.

Come along for the ride. You’ll be glad you did.

EGG #1 Deadweather and Sunrise
EGG #2 New Land
EGG #3 Blue Sea Burning
Download All:



Download Elspeth Hart Series by Sarah Forbes Epub

Elspeth Hart and the School for Show-Offs
From Goodreads:

Elspeth Hart and the School for Show-offs is the first adventure featuring the fabulous Elspeth Hart, a modern heroine with doodles on her trainers and unstoppable determination. Can you imagine never being allowed to play outside, dear reader? How about sleeping in a wardrobe every night? That's what life is like for Elspeth Hart. Ever since her parents were tragically washed away in a flood, poor Elspeth has been forced to live with her disgusting aunt, Miss Crabb, in the attic of the Pandora Pants School for Show-offs. Elspeth spends her days sweeping up mouse droppings, washing filthy pots and dodging Tatiana Firensky, the most horrible show-off of all. But what Elspeth doesn't know is that things are about to change...A fast-paced and funny story from a fresh new voice in children's fiction, Elspeth Hart's quirky adventures will delight fans of David Walliams, Lemony Snicket and Roald Dahl.

EH01 Elspeth Hart and the School for Show-offs
EH02 Elspeth Hart and the Perilous Voyage
Downlad All:
Elspeth Hart 1-2 - GOOGLEDRIVE 

Download Erec Rex Series by Kaza Kingsley epub

 The Dragon's Eye (Erec Rex, #1)
From Goodreads:

Life is not easy for twelve-year-old Erec Rex. His single mother can barely support her six adopted kids. And they've moved into an apartment so tiny that Erec sleeps with the washing machine. Worse, there is a strange force within Erec that is making him do odd things. His urge to obey these thoughts grows -- until it becomes impossible to resist them.

Then one morning, Erec's mother is missing. The force inside Erec commands him to find her, leading him on an adventure that will change him forever. When he arrives in Alypium, a hidden world where old knowledge of magic is kept, Erec learns that his mother and the entire kingdom are in peril. And he might be the only one who can save them.

01 - The Dragon's Eye
02 - The Monsters of Otherness
03 - The Search for Truth
04 - The Three Furies
05 - The Secret of Ashona

Download All:
Erec Rex 1-5 -  GOOGLEDRIVE

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Download Suzanne Enoch Novels Series

Suzanne Enoch

From Goodreads:

Born       : The United States
Twitter    : SuzieEnoch
Genre     : Romance

Suzanne was born in Southern California sometime in the latter half of the 20th century. In the way that some people are born knowing they want to be astronauts or cellists, Suzanne always knew she wanted to be a writer. Early dreams of becoming a zoologist and writing true stories about her adventures in Africa were crushed, however, after she viewed a television special about the world’s most poisonous snakes; she did NOT want to write about how she’d been bitten and lost a limb to a cobra. Thankfully at the same time the movie “Star Wars” premiered, and she realized that she could make up adventures and write about them, and not be eaten by deadly predators while doing research.

She dabbled in romantic fantasy writing for a year or two after graduating with a degree in English from the University of California, Irvine, until her affection for traditional Regency romances led her to write one for fun. After several encouraging rejections from publishers, she snared the interest of the world’s best and most patient literary agent, who advised her to revise the manuscript. This ultimately led to the publication of her first book, The Black Duke’s Prize, from Avon Books in the Spring of 1995. A second Regency, Angel’s Devil, followed that Fall.

When Avon folded its traditional Regency line, Suzanne was encouraged to try her hand at historical romance. As she remained keenly interested in England’s Regency period, she decided to attempt another manuscript set in that time. Lady Rogue hit the shelves in March of 1997. She wrote a total of 29 books for Avon, including two anthologies and a five-part contemporary series which received a pair of starred reviews from Publishers Weekly. One of those books, Twice the Temptation, was named one of the five best romances of the year by PW in 2007.

In 2002 her well-known love of all things “Star Wars” led to an invitation to appear on the E! channel in the television special “Star Wars: The Force Is Back”, where she discussed the romance in the movie series and ended up with more air time than George Lucas.

In 2010 Suzanne left Avon Books for St. Martin’s Press, where she continues to pen historical romance novels. Her 31st book, Taming an Impossible Rogue, is set to arrive in March 2012.

Suzanne is known for her humorous characters, sexy bad boys, and whip-sharp, witty dialogue. She currently resides in Placentia, California with several hundred guppies and various other tropical fish, and handful of very loud, spinach-loving finches. And her collection of action figures and statues from “Star Wars”, “Lord of the Rings”, “X-Men”, and “Pirates of the Caribbean”. Everybody needs some inspiration, after all.

From Wikipedia:



Traditional Regencies

  • The Black Duke's Prize
  • Angel's Devil

Regency Historicals

  • Lady Rogue
  • Stolen Kisses

The Bancroft Brothers

  • By Love Undone
  • Taming Rafe

With This Ring

  • Reforming a Rake
  • Meet Me at Midnight
  • A Matter of Scandal

Lessons in Love

  • The Rake
  • London's Perfect Scoundrel
  • England's Perfect Hero

The Griffin Family

  • Sin and Sensibility
  • An Invitation to Sin
  • Something Sinful
  • Sins of a Duke

The Adventurers' Club

  • The Care and Taming of a Rogue
  • A Lady's Guide to Improper Behavior
  • Rules of an Engagement

Samantha Jellicoe series

  • Flirting with Danger
  • Don't Look Down
  • Billionaires Prefer Blondes
  • Twice the Temptation
  • A Touch of Minx

The Scandalous Brides

  • The Wicked One (A Beginner’s Guide to Rakes Prequel)
  • A Beginner’s Guide to Rakes
  • Taming an Impossible Rogue
  • Rules to Catch a Devilish Duke
  • The Handbook to Handling His Lordship

Scandalous Highlanders

  • One Hot Scot (2013)
  • The Devil Wears Kilts (2013)
  • Rogue with a Brogue (2014)
  • Mad, Bad, and Dangerous in Plaid (2015)
  • Some Like it Scot (2015)

No Ordinary Hero

  • Hero in the Highlands (2016)
  • My One True Highlander (2017)

Traditional Regencies - GoogleDrive
Regency Historicals - GoogleDrive
The Bancroft Brothers - GoogleDrive
With This Ring - GoogleDrive
Lessons in Love - GoogleDrive
The Griffin Family - GoogleDrive
The Adventurers' Club - GoogleDrive
Samantha Jellicoe series - GoogleDrive
The Scandalous Brides - GoogleDrive
Scandalous Highlanders - GoogleDrive
No Ordinary Hero - GoogleDrive

Suzanne Enoch All Series - GoogleDrive







Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Penyakit-penyakit ginjal dan cara mengobatinya

 1.      Pyelonephritis
Infeksi dan peradangan jaringan ginjal dan renal pelvis (ruang yang terbentuk dari perluasan ujung atas ureter tubulus yang menyalurkan urin ke kandung kemih). Infeksi ini biasanya disebabkan karena bakteri. Kelainan ginjal yang paling sering terjadi, pyelonephritis dapat menjadi kronis dan akut.
Pyelonephritis yang sudah akut biasanya menyerang satu daerah pada ginjal, dan tidak menyerang bagian yang lain. Pada banyak kasus, pyelonephritis dapat berkembang tanpa adanya penyebab yang jelas. Gangguan pada aliran darah atau urin, dapat membuat ginjal lebih mudah terserang infeksi, dan penumpukan kotoran pada ujung urethra juga diperkirakan meningkatkan kasus penyakit pada bayi (urethra merupakan saluran urin dari kandung kemih keluar). Wanita dapat mengalami cedera saluran kencing pada saat berhubungan atau kehamilan, dan kateterisasi (pengeluaran urin secara mekanik) dapat menyebabkan infeksi.
Seseorang yang mengalami penyakit ini biasanya dapat dilihat dari warna urin yang dikeluarkan, antaa coklat hingga merah seperti darah. Meskipun demikian, jenis penyakit ini tergolong penyakit yang ringan dimana pengobatan dilakukan dengan mengkonsumsi obat dari dokter. Kecuali dalam kasus terjadi peradangan berat maka seorang dokter akan menyarankan untuk dilakukan pengobatan lebih lanjut, baik cuci darah sementara atau perawatan inap di rumah sakit.

2.      Glomerulonephritis
Glomerulonephritis, penyakit ginjal lain yang sering terjadi, ditandai dengan peradangan sebagian glomeruli ginjal. Kondisi ini dapat terjadi ketika sistem imun tubuh lumpuh. Antibodi dan zat-zat lainnya membentuk partikel dalam aliran darah yang terjebak dalam glomeruli. Hal ini menyebabkan peradangan dan membuat glomeruli tidak dapat bekerja dengan baik. Gejala dari penyakit ini bisa termasuk darah dalam urin, pembengkakan jaringan tubuh, dan adanya protein dalam urin, dalam hasil tes laboratorium. Glomerulonephritis bisa sembuh sendiri tanpa pengobatan. Jika pengobatan diperlukan, dapat dilakukan diet khusus, obat-obatan pencegah kekebalan (immunosuppressant), atau plasmapheresis (pemisahan plasma dari darah), suatu prosedur untuk membuang bagian darah yang mengandung antibodi.
Glomerulonephritis merupakan kelainan yang dikenal dengan nephritis, atau penyakit Bright. Bagian utama yang terserang penyakit ini adalah pembuluh darah dalam bongkah glumerular. Imbuhan “-itis” menandakan luka peradangan, dan glomerulonephritis memang berhubungan dengan infeksi, dalam arti kata sempit, penyakit ini menyerang setelah adanya infeksi bakteri streptococcal dan kemudian semakin berat karena berbagai macam infeksi lainnya. Namun demikian, terdapat bukti yang meyakinkan bahwa glomerulonephritis bukan merupakan penyakit yang menyerang ginjal secara langsung karena satu penyebab infeksi. Penyakit ini lebih kepada kelainan sistem kekebalan tubuh, dimana pembentukan antibodi sebagai respon dari adanya protein asing (antigen) ditempat lain dalam tubuh. Hal ini mengakibatkan terbentuknya antigen-antibodi kompleks yang tersangkut dalam bongkah glomerular atau pada sedikit kasus, antigen ini menumpuk pada dinding kapiler glomerular. Pada tiap kasus, antibodi atau antigen-antibodi kompleks mencapai ginjal melalui sirkulasi, dan mekanisme ini disebut sebagai penyakit sirkulasi kompleks.
Untuk menangani penyakit ini, diperlukan pengobatan dari dokter. Selain itu, dalam kasus yang ringan, jenis penyakit ini bisa sembuh dengan sendirinya. Jangan khawatir apabila beberapa orang mengalami pingsan ketika menderita penyakit ini. Hal tersebut dikarenakan faktor psikologis yang terkejut melihat darah keluar dari saluran kencing.

3.      Batu Ginjal
Disebut juga Renal Calculus, plural Renal Calculi, terkumpulnya mineral dan benda organik yang terbentuk dalam ginjal. Ada batu yang menjadi demikian besar yang melumpuhkan fungsi ginjal. Urin mengandung banyak garam dalam bentuk larutan dan jika konsentrasi garam mineral menjadi berlebih, kelebihan garam ini mengendap menjadi partikel padat disebut batu ginjal. Batu ginjal diklasifikasikan sebagai primer jika batu tersebut terbentuk tanpa ada sebab yang jelas seperti infeksi atau penyumbatan. Diklasifikasikan sekunder jika berkembang setelah adanya infeksi ginjal atau kelainan.
Beberapa keadaan memperbesar peluang terbentuknya batu ginjal. Baik itu berkurangnya volume cairan atau bertumpuknya mineral cukup membuat terganggunya keseimbangan yang sempurna antara cairan dan larutan yang ada dalam ginjal. Ketika batu mulai berkembang, biasanya ia akan terus tumbuh. Sebuah nukleus dari endapan garam urin bisa merupakan kumpulan bakteri, jaringan yang rusak, sel mati, atau keping darah kecil. Mineral menarik partikel dari luar dan membungkusnya. Pada saat batu bertambah besar, bagian permukaan dapat menjadi tempat bagi mineral lain dan kemudian bertambah besar.
Batu ginjal yang lebih kecil penanganannya dapat dilakukan sendiri dengan cara konsumsi air putih maupun obat-obata dari dokter. Selain itu, jenis batu ini dapat keluar dari badan dengan sendirinya meski akan menimbulkan rasa sakit. Batu yang lebih besar memerlukan pembedahan, atau dapat dipecah menjadi bagian-bagian kecil dengan gelombang suara dalam prosedur yang disebut ultrasonic lithotripsy.

4.      Gagal Ginjal
Disebut juga Renal Failure, hilangnya sebagian atau keseluruhan fungsi ginjal. Gagal ginjal digolongkan menjadi akut (ketika serangannya tiba-tiba) atau kronis. Gagal ginjal akut berakibat pada berkurangnya volume urin, kadar zat-zat bernitrogen, potasium, sulfat, dan fosfat diatas normal dalam darah, dan rendahnya kadar sodium, kalsium, dan karbon dioksida darah yang juga jauh dibawah normal. Biasanya orang yang terkena ini sembuh dalam enam minggu atau kurang.
Sebab dari gagal ginjal ini antara lain karena rusaknya tubulus didalam ginjal oleh obat-obatan atau larutan organik seperti karbon tetraklorida, aseton, dan etilen glikol, bersinggungan dengan senyawa logam seperti merkuri, timah, dan uranium. Gagal ginjal dapat pula disebabkan karena cidera fisik atau operasi besar yang membuat kehilangan banyak darah atau juga akibat penyakit yang merusak korteks (bagian luar) dari ginjal. Penyebab lainnya adalah infeksi bakteri berat, diabetes yang merusak medula (bagian dalam) ginjal, dan karena kelebihan garam kalsium dalam ginjal.
Tersumbatnya arteri ginjal, penyakit liver, dan tersumbatnya saluran kencing dapat mengakibatkan gagal ginjal akut; pada situasi yang jarang terjadi, gagal ginjal dapat terjadi tanpa gejala awal. Komplikasi yang timbul dari gagal ginjal termasuk gagal jantung, paru-paru berair, dan bertumbuknya potasium dalam tubuh.
Gagal ginjal kronis biasanya merupakan akibat dari penyakit yang sudah lama diidap oleh ginjal. Pada gagal ginjal kronis darah menjadi lebih asam dibandingkan biasanya dan dapat terjadi hilangnya kalsium dalam tulang. Kerusakan saraf dapat pula terjadi.
Cara penanganan gagal ginjal ada dua yaitu: cuci darah dan cangkok ginjal. Cuci darah wajib dilakukan secara rutin dan terus-menerus. Bila terapi berhenti maka penderita gagal ginjal akan mengalami kesakitan yang sama seperti sebelumnya. Bila diperlukan dokter bisa merekomendasikan cangkok ginjal. Hal ini merupakan cara terakhir untuk menyelamatkan hidup pasien. Cara ini dilakukan dengan memindahkan ginjal orang lain ke dalam dirinya.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Download The Thickety Series by J.A. White epub

A Path Begins (The Thickety #1)
From Goodreads:

A dark, forbidden forest. Vicious beasts. Deadly plants. An evil spellbook. Secrets. Mysteries. Witches, both good and bad . . . Welcome to the world of the Thickety. Full of action, set in an intriguing and dangerous world, and illustrated with gorgeous and haunting line art, The Thickety: A Path Begins is a truly stunning book.

A Path Begins is the thrilling start of a new middle-grade fantasy series about a girl, a mysterious forest, and a book of untold magical powers. Kara and her brother, Taff, are shunned by their village because their mother was a witch. The villagers believe nothing is more evil than magic, except for what lurks in the nearby Thickety. But when Kara enters the forbidden forest, she discovers a strange book, a grimoire that might have belonged to her mother. The events she then sets in motion are both awe-inspiring and terrifying...

01 A Path Begin
02 The Whispering Trees
03 Well of Witches
04 The Last Spell

All Series - GoogleDrive

Download The Cloak Society Series by Jeramey Kraatz epub

The Cloak Society (The Cloak Society, #1)
From Goodreads:

The first in a thrilling, action-packed middle grade trilogy, which School Library Journal declared "will likely find the same wide appeal as Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson books.

The Cloak Society: An elite organization of supervillains graced with extraordinary powers. Ten years ago the Cloak Society was defeated by Sterling City's superheroes, the Rangers of Justice, and vanished without a trace. But the villains have been waiting for the perfect moment to resurface. . . .

Twelve-year-old Alex Knight is a dedicated junior member of Cloak who has spent years mastering his telekinetic superpowers and preparing for the day when Cloak will rise to power again. Cloak is everything he believes in.

But during his debut mission, Alex does the unthinkable: He saves the life of a Junior Ranger of Justice. Even worse . . . she becomes his friend. And the more time he spends with her, the more Alex wonders what, exactly, he's been fighting for.

01 The Cloak Society - GOOGLEDRIVE
02 Villains Rising - GOOGLEDRIVE 
03 Fall of Heroes - GOOGLEDRIVE

Download All - GOOGLEDRIVE

Download The Key to Magic Series by H. Jonas Rhynedahll

Orphan: The Key to Magic I
From Goodreads:

Mar is born into an age in which magic is a mathematical science, in which technology is simply another word for magic. To escape a world wide cataclysm created by sorcerers who cannot resist the lure of ultimate power, the infant is cast into a distant mundane future. In this powerless age, Magic has become nothing more than a despised fanatical religion and those who practice Magic are persecuted, hunted, and killed. In order to escape a destiny that magicians long dead have written for him, Mar must learn to use the inborn abilities that make him the last true master of magic. Orphan is the first book in the epic fantasy series, The Key to Magic.

01 Orphan - DOWNLOAD 2
02 Magician - DOWNLOAD 2
03 King - DOWNLOAD 2
04 Emperor - DOWNLOAD 2
05 Warrior - DOWNLOAD 2
06 Wizard - DOWNLOAD 2
07 Thief - DOWNLOAD 2

Download Double Vision by F.T. Bradley epub

Double Vision (Double Vision #1)

Sinopsis by Goodreads:

Fans of 39 Clues and Artemis Fowl will enjoy the fun, fresh thrill ride through this humorous, action-packed adventure from debut author F. T. Bradley.

In the trilogy opener, twelve-year-old Lincoln Baker finds himself in a world of trouble! First, Linc’s seemingly harmless prank on a school field trip ends in expulsion and a lawsuit. Then two mysterious figures from a secret government agency called Pandora show up at Linc’s house with a proposition for him.

Turns out Linc looks exactly like one of Pandora’s top kid agents, Benjamin Green, who vanished while on a critical spy mission in Paris. If Linc agrees to take his place, they’ll get him back in school and make that costly lawsuit disappear.

But the mission is a lot more complicated than it seems. A highly valuable copy of the Mona Lisa has gone missing and now Linc must make sure it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands. Too bad Linc isn’t a black belt math genius who can run a four-minute mile like his double, Ben, because he’ll need those skills to make it out alive. . . .

01 Double Vision - DOWNLOAD 2
02 Code Name 711 - DOWNLOAD 2
03 The Alias Men - DOWNLOAD 2

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Download The Ascendance Trilogy by Jennifer A. Nielsen epub

The False Prince (The Ascendance Trilogy #1)

Sinopsis by Goodreads:

In a discontent kingdom, civil war is brewing. To unify the divided people, Conner, a nobleman of the court, devises a cunning plan to find an impersonator of the king’s long-lost son and install him as a puppet prince. Four orphans are recruited to compete for the role, including a defiant boy named Sage. Sage knows that Conner’s motives are more than questionable, yet his life balances on a sword’s point—he must be chosen to play the prince or he will certainly be killed. But Sage’s rivals have their own agendas as well.

As Sage moves from a rundown orphanage to Conner’s sumptuous palace, layer upon layer of treachery and deceit unfold, until finally, a truth is revealed that, in the end, may very well prove more dangerous than all of the lies taken together.

1.  False Prince - DOWNLOAD 2
2.  The Runaway King - DOWNLOAD 2
3. The Shadow Throne - DOWNLOAD 2

Download Nature Mage by Duncan Pile epub

Nature Mage (Nature Mage, #1)

Sinopsis by Goodreads:

Gaspi is an ordinary boy, living in the mountain village of Aemon's Reach, but life, for Gaspi, is forever changed the day magic erupts in him. He discovers he has a powerful gift - he is a Nature Mage, able to control natural forces and creatures and bend them to his will. It is a rare gift, and no-one has been born with it in centuries, but Gaspi's powers also have a dark side, and without training they will kill him. He is forced to leave his home and travel to the distant city of Helioport, where the Archmages of the College of Collective Magicks will teach him how to use his powers. Accompanied by his guardian and his best friends, Gaspi sets off on the long journey to Helioport. The journey is fraught with danger, and Gaspi and his friends discover that there are demonic creatures abroad, intent on finding and killing anyone with magical ability. As Gaspi begins his magical studies, a shadow hangs over him and over the city of magicians. Gaspi's story of a demonic attack is not an isolated incident.As these stories increase, Hephistole, the Chancellor of the college, is growing increasingly certain that someone or something is directing the demonic forces, but who, and to what end? As things unfold, Gaspi finds himself in the middle of dark and terrible times, and can only hope that his powerful gift will develop in time to make a difference when the time comes.

1. Nature Mage
2. Nature Servant
3. Nature Peril

Download All - GoogleDrive

Download The School for Good and Evil by Soman Chainani epub

The School for Good and Evil (The School for Good and Evil, #1)

Sinopsis by goodreads:

The first kidnappings happened two hundred years before. Some years it was two boys taken, some years two girls, sometimes one of each. But if at first the choices seemed random, soon the pattern became clear. One was always beautiful and good, the child every parent wanted as their own. The other was homely and odd, an outcast from birth. An opposing pair, plucked from youth and spirited away.

This year, best friends Sophie and Agatha are about to discover where all the lost children go: the fabled School for Good & Evil, where ordinary boys and girls are trained to be fairy tale heroes and villains. As the most beautiful girl in Gavaldon, Sophie has dreamed of being kidnapped into an enchanted world her whole life. With her pink dresses, glass slippers, and devotion to good deeds, she knows she’ll earn top marks at the School for Good and graduate a storybook princess. Meanwhile Agatha, with her shapeless black frocks, wicked pet cat, and dislike of nearly everyone, seems a natural fit for the School for Evil.

But when the two girls are swept into the Endless Woods, they find their fortunes reversed—Sophie’s dumped in the School for Evil to take Uglification, Death Curses, and Henchmen Training, while Agatha finds herself in the School For Good, thrust amongst handsome princes and fair maidens for classes in Princess Etiquette and Animal Communication.. But what if the mistake is actually the first clue to discovering who Sophie and Agatha really are…?

The School for Good & Evil is an epic journey into a dazzling new world, where the only way out of a fairy tale is to live through one.

1. The School for Good and Evil
2. A World Without Princes
3. The Last Ever After

Download All - GoogleDrive

Download Merridew Sisters Series by Anne Gracie

The Perfect Rake (The Merridew Sisters, #1)
Sinopsis by goodreads:

She ran from a brute...

Fleeing violent tyranny, Prudence Merridew escapes with her beautiful younger sisters to London. One of them must marry—and fast. To act as her sisters' chaperone, Prudence invents a secret engagement to a reclusive duke...But when the duke arrives unexpectedly in London, she needs his help to avert disaster.

...into the arms of a rake

Aristocratic Gideon, handsome, rakish and with a strong frivolous streak, casually hijacks Prudence's game, awarding himself a stolen kiss or three along the way. Used to managing sisters and elderly men, Prudence is completely out of her depth with a charming, devious and utterly irresistible rake. And her plot goes terribly—if deliciously—awry...

Merridew Sisters 01 - The Perfect Rake - DOWNLOAD 2
Merridew Sisters 02 - The Perfect Waltz - DOWNLOAD 2
Merridew Sisters 03 - The Perfect Stranger - DOWNLOAD 2
Merridew Sisters 04 - The Perfect Kiss - DOWNLOAD 2
All of Merridew sisters series - DOWNLOAD 2

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Download Princess Academy By Shannon Hale epub

Princess Academy (Princess Academy, #1) 

Sinopsis From Goodreads:

Miri lives on a mountain where, for generations, her ancestors have quarried stone and lived a simple life. Then word comes that the king's priests have divined her small village the home of the future princess. In a year's time, the prince himself will come and choose his bride from among the girls of the village. The king's ministers set up an academy on the mountain, and every teenage girl must attend and learn how to become a princess.

Miri soon finds herself confronted with a harsh academy mistress, bitter competition among the girls, and her own conflicting desires to be chosen and win the heart of her childhood best friend. But when bandits seek out the academy to kidnap the future princess, Miri must rally the girls together and use a power unique to the mountain dwellers to save herself and her classmates.

  1. Princess Academy
  2. Palace of Stone
  3. The Forgotten Sisters 
Download All - GOOGLEDRIVE

Download Trudi Canavan Novels


Trudi Canavan

Trudi Canavan
From Goodreads:

Born in Kew, Melbourne, Australia October 23, 1969



Science Fiction & Fantasy

Trudi Canavan was born in Kew, Melbourne and grew up in Ferntree Gully, a suburb at the foothills of the Dandenongs.

In 1999 she won the Aurealis Award for Best Fantasy Short Story with “Whispers of the Mist Children”. In the same year she was granted a writers residency at Varuna Writers’ Centre in Katoomba, New South Wales.

In November 2001, The Magicians’ Guild was first published in Australia. The second book of the trilogy, The Novice, was published in June 2002 and was nominated for the Aurealis Award for Best Fantasy Novel. The third book The High Lord was released in January 2003 and was nominated for the Best Novel Ditmar category. All three books entered Australian top ten SF bestseller lists.

The Black Magician Trilogy reached the international market in 2004, published by HarperCollins’ EOS imprint in North America and Orbit Books in the UK. The trilogy is now rated by Nielsen BookScan as the most successful debut fantasy series of the last 10 years.

Trudi’s second trilogy, Age of the Five, has also enjoyed bestselling success. Priestess of the White reached No.3 in the Sunday Times hardback fiction bestseller list, staying in the top ten for six weeks.

In early 2006 Trudi signed a seven-figure contract with Orbit to write the prequel and sequel to the Black Magician Trilogy. The prequel, The Magician’s Apprentice was released in 2009 and won the Best Fantasy Novel category of the Aurealis Awards. She is now working on the sequel trilogy, and planning her next fantasy series, which will be set in an entirely new world.

Kyralia series

  • The Black Magician Trilogy
  • The Magicians' Guild (2001) pdf
  • The Novice (2002) pdf
  • The High Lord (2003)  pdf
  • The Magician's Apprentice (2009) (prequel stand-alone novel to the Black Magician Trilogy) epub 
  • The Traitor Spy Trilogy (sequel to the Black Magician Trilogy
  • The Ambassador's Mission (2010) pdf
  • The Rogue (2011) pdf
  • The Traitor Queen (2012) epub

Ithania series

  • The Age of the Five Trilogy
  • Priestess of the White (2005) pdf
  • Last of the Wilds (2006) pdf
  • Voice of the Gods (2006) pdf

Millennium’s Rule 

  • Millennium’s Rule Trilogy
  • Thief’s Magic (2014) epub - GoogleDrive
  • Angel of Storms (2015)
  • Successor’s Promise (Forthcoming 2016)


Download All EPUB:

  1. The Black Magician Trilogy + The Magician's Apprentice - GoogleDrive
  2. The Traitor Spy Trilogy - GoogleDrive
  3. The Age of the Five Trilogy - GoogleDrive
Download All - GoogleDrive

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